The survey began on February 1, 2012 and will run until May 1, 2012. It will pose questions about a building's use, repair needs, projected repair costs, and, if appropriate, its participation in heritage tourism development.
It is our understanding that the more folks that fill out this survey, the better chance we have to garner local interest. Some eligible buildings in Woodbury that should be included in the survey and their required information are as follows (pick your favorites to list!):
*The following are considered contributing buildings in a listed historic district, except the G.G. Green Opera House, Woodbury Friends' Meetinghouse, and the Hunter-Lawrence-Jessup House which are individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Green Castle Hotel (currently threatened)
85-89 Cooper Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 118
Lot: 27
5388 square feet
built: 1881
Green Estates Stable House part of the former Green Estates (which was most recently used as Catholic Church Convent)
211 Cooper Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 142
Lot: 9 and 10
approx. 4000 square feet
built: 1889
Sketch Club Players Theater (formerly West End School)
433 Glover Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 57
Lot: 14
3832 square feet
built: 1889
Christ Episcopal Church
62 Delaware Street
Woodbury NJ 08096
Block: 79
Lot: 1
3045 square feet
built: 1856
Catholic Church Rectory (formerly Daniel Steelman residence)
64 Cooper Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 117
Lot: 26
approx. 4000 square feet
built: 1880
G.G. Green Opera House Block
104 S. Broad Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 113
Lot: 1
18736 square feet
built: 1880
First Baptist Church
544 N. Broad Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 123
Lot: 10
approx. 3000 square feet
built: 1858
Kemble Memorial United Methodist Church
19 S. Broad Street
Woodbury NJ 08096
Block: 77
Lot: 17
approx. 6000 square feet
built: 1891
Presbyterian Church at Woodbury
67 S. Broad Street
Woodbury NJ 08096
Block: 77
Lot: 1
approx. 3000 square feet
built: 1834
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church
86 Cooper Street
Woodbury NJ 08096
Block: 145
Lot: 1
2453 square feet
built: 1909
Woodbury Friends' Meetinghouse
120 N. Broad Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 121
Lot: 4
7200 square feet
built: 1716
Gloucester County Historical Society (Hunter-Lawrence-Jessup House)
58 N. Broad Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 120
Lot: 6
approx. 4000 square feet
built: 1765
Woodbury Train Station
101 Cooper Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Block: 112
Lot: 1
1420 square feet
built: 1883
This is a partial list and does not include various historic Court Houses, Fire Stations, City Hall, Post Office, etc.
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